Sapphire Ambassador, Mr. Kern Toussaint secures his Super Star Achiever status for the month of March! 🌟
Becoming a Super Star Achiever takes dedication, duplication, and determination. Mr. Kern Toussaint shares how he employed these three key factors in his Star Achiever journey. Continue reading to find out how he did it!
How did you start your Super Star Achiever journey?
"We started by setting a goal and mapping out a plan with our Diamonds and other team members, with a 12-24 month commitment utilizing the services and products we have within the business."
To learn more about how to become a Star Achiever, click here!
What was your business strategy for building your team & becoming a Super Star Achiever?
First, I Identified the "why" and explained why it is so important to be a Star Achiever. Besides making a good profit out of this business, you also have access to skill-building trainings and get to enjoy endless incentives and rewards.
Then, Identified the "who" and looked for members in my team who want to take this journey and be committed to succeed.
Next, following the Star Achiever program, we identified which products services we want to utilize to achieve our goal, and we started mapping out daily actions to get closer to that target. We also have weekly check-ins to assess how our plan is going and make sure everyone is on the same page.
How many Star Achievers do you have in your team?
"We currently have 17 Star Achievers in our organization, and I have 5 direct Star Achievers. "
What advice would you give to those who aspire to become Star Achievers & Super Star Achievers?
"Follow the leadership we in this company and create your plan ahead of time. Make your goal to be providing value to as many customers as you can and meeting the needs of everyone you interact with."